Meridean Overseas
Updated On 31 August 2022 & Read Time 2 minutes
VFS Global released a statement today that UK Priority Visa and Super Priority Visa services are temporarily suspended. This resulted from some technical difficulties. The services resumed shortly after the announcement as the technical issues were fixed.
UK Priority and Super Priority Visa (PV and SPV) are services available to applicants who urgently need a UK visa. These services significantly reduce the UK Visa processing time. The services were recently resumed for new study and work visa applicants. Such applicants could receive a visa for UK as early as 5 days in case of PV and 1 day in case of SPV. Applicants can select these services at the time of submitting a visa application at an additional cost.
Due to technical difficulties, all PV and SPV services were temporarily suspended. VFS Global clarified that candidates who have already booked their Priority Visa or Super Priority Visa appointments will be directly contacted by their team with information about their appointment status. A few hours after the suspension, the services were resumed. UK PV and SPV appointments can be booked again for the listed visa categories.
Meridean Overseas keeps you up to date with all immigration and visa developments to make your study abroad process convenient. Contact our expert counsellors to learn more about UK visa or to start your process to study in UK. For more details or any queries, you can mail at or call our toll-free number 1800-1230-00011.
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