Theology and Religious Studies in the UK


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 05 May 2023 & Read Time 6 minutes



Angels wait at the gates of heaven where everything is beautiful, while, on the other side, devils are stuck amidst the fire atoning for their sins. This idea is best described in religious texts, as no movie or series could depict these images with the details they deserve. If questions of morality, the afterlife, the history of religion and more are always on your mind, theology and religious studies may be the best place for you to start. This subject has the potential to teach you about every aspect of life and find new ways to perceive the world around you. One of the best places to learn is UK. In this article, let’s explore theology courses in UK that are offered by top universities, and what the future holds in store for those who complete this study program.

Theology and Religious Studies

Theology and Religious Studies is the discipline for you if you are captivated by grand concepts, how people's beliefs affect their lives, or by sacred texts and their interpretations. The subject centres on a facet of human experience that has been crucial to humanity's understanding of itself throughout history and is still significant today in all of its diversity.


The chief benefit of studying religion is that you can know the nature of religions, their place in society, and the doctrines, customs, and traditions of diverse faiths. Students majoring in theology and religious studies also acquire the critical thinking and analytical skills necessary to engage with challenging theological and philosophical issues and have a thorough understanding of the historical, cultural, and social contexts that shape religious beliefs and practices.


Moreover, a critical skill that can be developed is the ability to promote tolerance and respect for others based on reality rather than conjecture, through literacy in religious thought and practice. This is the chance to have your preconceptions challenged and to intellectually engage you in understanding your approach to these topics.

Universities in UK offering Theology and Religious Studies

Several universities offer both graduate and undergraduate degrees in religious studies and theology in UK. The University of Oxford and the University of Edinburgh are two of the best institutions in the UK for studying theology and religion. To explore more universities, have a look at the table given below for the wide range of courses they offer:



University of Glasgow

  • MA (Hons) Theology and Religious Studies

  • MA (Hons) Celtic Studies/Theology and Religious Studies

  • MA (Hons) Theology and Religious Studies/Theatre Studies

  • MA (Hons) Archaeology/Theology and Religious Studies

  • MA (Hons) Theology and Religious Studies/Comparative Literature

University of Leeds

  • BA (Hons) Theology and Religious Studies

  • BA Philosophy, Ethics and Religion

University of Nottingham

  • BA (Hons) Theology and Religious Studies

  • MPhil Theology and Religious Studies

  • PhD Theology and Religious Studies

  • MRes Religious Studies

University of Exeter

  • BA (Hons) Classical Studies and Theology

  • BA (Hons) Philosophy and Theology with Study Abroad

  • MA Theology and Religion

Liverpool Hope University

  • BA (Hons) Contemporary Fashion Design and Religious Studies

  • BA (Hons) Creative Writing and Religious Studies

  • BA (Hons) Digital Creativity and Religious Studies

  • BA (Hons) Drama and Religious Studies

  • BA (Hons) Early Childhood and Religious Studies

  • MA Religion

University of St. Andrews

  • MA (Hons) Film Studies with Bible and Culture

  • MLitt Analytic and Exegetical Theology

  • MLitt Bible and the Contemporary World

  • MLitt Biblical Language and Literature

  • MPhil Divinity

University of Oxford

  • MPhil Judaism and Christianity in the Graeco-Roman World

  • MPhil Philosophical Theology

  • BTh (Hons) Theology

  • DPhil Theology and Religion

The University of Edinburgh

  • MTh Theology and Religious Studies

  • MTh Biblical Studies

  • PhD Ethics and Practical Theology

  • PhD Hebrew and Old Testament

  • PhD History of Christianity

University of Kent

  • PhD Theology and Religious Studies

Durham University

  • MA Biblical Studies

  • MA Christian Theology (Anglican Studies)

  • MA Christian Theology

  • MA Theology and Religion

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Future Prospects

Theology and Religious Studies revolves around the basis of our existence, which doesn’t mean that it won’t be beneficial in any other arena. There are various job opportunities that are useful with this degree. If you choose to, you can interact with people and attain practical knowledge of religious studies in UK, what else could be better?

Have a look at the jobs that are available after studying this course:

  • Religious Leadership

Studying religious studies gives you an insight into each and every religion, their teachings and cultures. Students who have studied religious studies can become leaders in their respective faith communities, and spread religious teachings.

  • Education

The easiest way to teach people about religion is through teaching. Students’ minds are more open to accepting new ideas and adapting. If not religious studies, you can also become a lecturer of philosophy and ethics as all these things revolve around each other.

  • Non-profit work

There are many non-profit organisations that have religious affiliations and look for people who have backgrounds in theology and religious studies so that they can help advance the mission of spreading positivity, values, and faith towards their community.

  • Counselling

You must have seen in movies that churches have a small room where a pastor sits on the other side and people of faith walk in and ask for forgiveness for their sins. The field of counselling is just like that, you can become a spiritual counsellor and show people how to walk in the right direction with the help of religious studies.

  • Writing and Research

Students who have a strong background in religious studies can go into the research field by pursuing a career as an author, editor, or researcher for religious publications and academic journals. This will be beneficial for them as well as for others as they are contributing to improving people’s knowledge about religion

  • Social Justice and Advocacy

By diving into the depths of religion, students may feel that the valuable lessons they learn are applicable to real life.  By choosing this field, you can work in an organisation that promotes human rights, peacebuilding or other causes that align with their religious values.


Overall, the knowledge and values learned from studying theology and religious studies will add value to every profession and career path, depending on a person's interest and goals.


To conclude, don’t just consider theology and religious studies for a particular job, as this study will also help you enhance your personality so that you can carry forward the same positive attitude to others as well.


We hope we have cleared most of your doubts about studying Theology and Religious Studies courses in UK. If you have chosen to study in UK, we advise you to speak with our expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). If you cannot travel to the office, you can utilise our free online counselling service via the website. Our team of dedicated counsellors will provide you with the best guidance and support so you can enrol at top universities in the UK, for theology and religious studies. Please do not hesitate to contact us at or call us at 1800-1230-00011.

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