Studying Wildlife Sciences in New Zealand


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 23 June 2023 & Read Time 10 minutes



Studying Wildlife Sciences in New Zealand is like a dream come true for every wildlife enthusiast. The country has diverse ecosystems, breathtaking natural landscapes, and countless endemic species. Furthermore, the nation is dedicated to wildlife conservation, giving aspiring wildlife learners a proper working ground to contribute to wildlife preservation, opening the gateway to delve into the rich biodiversity, fascinating wildlife and innumerable opportunities to research.


So whether you're fascinated by the distinctive flora and fauna or intrigued by the enchanting bird species, curious about the marine life thriving in its pristine waters, or intrigued by the enchanting bird species, studying Wildlife Sciences in New Zealand offers an outstanding opportunity to delve into the wonders of nature and contribute to its preservation. In this blog post, we will gain insights into the benefits of studying wildlife sciences in New Zealand, the best universities for wildlife sciences in New Zealand and their career prospects. So gear up for this exciting journey through the fascinating wildlife habitats of New Zealand.


Top reasons to study Wildlife Sciences in New Zealand

Now that you have an overview of what we will cover in this blog, let’s move forward with the first very important aspect of this journey, which is the top reasons to study wildlife sciences in New Zealand. This will give you immense clarity regarding the unrivalled reasons for pursuing wildlife science courses in New Zealand.


Extraordinary Biodiversity


New Zealand is like a biodiversity hotspot with unique wildlife. It houses a web of various ecosystems, pristine environments, and beautiful marine life with a paradise of unique bird species. These rich natural assets will provide the perfect natural setting to study wildlife sciences courses in New Zealand.


A Pioneer in Conservation


New Zealand embodies a strong focus and a proactive approach towards conservation management and ecological restoration. Moreover, the country is considered to have exemplary leadership in Conservation Management and also serves as a model for other countries facing similar challenges. Hence, you’ll have an opportunity to learn about conservation in a country which has aced it while contributing to its natural heritage.


Fieldwork opportunities


Studying Wildlife Sciences in New Zealand offers many opportunities for hands-on fieldwork, allowing you to study wildlife in their natural habitats. Apart from this, you can explore national parks, marine reserves, and remote islands to observe and study wildlife. Moreover, you’ll have the opportunity to work with experienced professionals who will teach you the necessary professional acumen, giving you a competitive edge when you enter the job market.


Teaching Methodology


The entire curriculum is chalked out to help you develop practical skills and conceptual knowledge. The methodology is practically based and inculcates different study components such as conducting surveys, collecting data, tracking animal behaviour, and much more. Besides this, collaboration with local organisations gives an environment to implement all the learning practically.


Internationally Recognized Qualifications


Universities in New Zealand award prestigious and internationally recognised degrees in wildlife sciences. Moreover, universities gives graduates to participate in worldwide initiatives to conserve wildlife.


Best Universities for Wildlife Sciences in New Zealand

Universities in New Zealand emphasise practical training ad have a rigorous diverse curriculum which caters to diverse aspects of wildlife sciences. Resultantly, you will develop a holistic understanding of the course with an overall understanding of the subject. Now let’s go through the wildlife science courses in New Zealand offered by top universities:



University of Otago

Bachelor of Science in Wildlife

Massey University

Bachelor of Natural Sciences (Wildlife and Ecology)

Victoria University of Wellington

Bachelor of Science in Ecology and Biodiversity

University of Canterbury

Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences (Ecology)

University of Auckland

Bachelor of Science in Ecology and Biodiversity

Lincoln University

Bachelor of Science in Conservation and Ecology

University of Waikato

Bachelor of Science in Ecology (Wildlife and Biodiversity)

Auckland University of Technology

Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Management and Conservation

Note - Wildlife Sciences has several parts, such as biodiversity, ecology and conservation as well. It is advised to check with the university based on your interest.


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Scholarships for Wildlife Sciences in Australia

Studying abroad can be expensive, and sometimes expenses come in the way of pursuing our passions. But you don’t need to halt your academic plans as there are a variety of scholarships provided by the government and universities for those who want to pursue wildlife science courses in New Zealand.  Mentioned below is the list of some prominent scholarships:


The DOC (Department of Conservation) Undergraduate Scholarship:- The Department of Conservation in New Zealand provides this scholarship. It's intended to help undergraduates pursuing degrees in animal sciences or similar fields. The award entails financial assistance to cover the cost of living, housing, and tuition fees.


The New Zealand Aid Programme Scholarships: These scholarships are offered to you from particular developing nations and are supported by the government of New Zealand. Scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study are available in many disciplines, including animal sciences. The scholarship entails living expenses, travel, and other charges besides tuition.


The University of Otago Scholarships: Numerous scholarships are available from the University of Otago for you to pursue degrees in wildlife sciences. The Department of Zoology or related programs are the main focus of these scholarships for undergraduates and graduates. Some scholarships offered are the Department of Zoology Scholarships and the Otago Wildlife Conservation Trust Scholarships.


The University of Canterbury Scholarships: There are a variety of scholarships in New Zealand offered for a degree in wildlife sciences or related fields. E.g. The Wildbase Recovery Scholarships and the Wildlife Management Scholarships are available for undergraduates and postgraduates.


The University of Auckland Scholarships: The University of Auckland provides multiple scholarships for those interested in wildlife sciences. For instance, the New Zealand Bird Rescue Charitable Trust Scholarship and the Wildbase Scholarships are available. 


Career Prospects

Studying wildlife sciences opens up a lot of avenues for you. Also, with increasing awareness of wildlife sustainability, innumerable career pathways have opened up with handsome salaries. Moreover, the profession allows you rewarding opportunities to be an integral part of maintaining sustainable biodiversity and giving back to the environment.

  • Wildlife Biologist/Scientist

  • Conservation Officer/Manager

  • Ecologist

  • Wildlife Rehabilitation Specialist:

  • Wildlife Policy Advisor/Advocate

  • Environmental Consultant

  • Wildlife Law Enforcement Officer

  • Wildlife Manager

  • Environmental Educator/Interpreter


Scope of Wildlife Sciences in New Zealand

 New Zealand has a rich diversity, unique flora and fauna, and a wide range of ecosystems. In addition to that, the country is strongly committed to conservation and sustainability. Hence studying wildlife sciences in New Zealand gives you immense scope for rewarding career opportunities.


Research Opportunities - Due to the country’s rich biodiversity, diverse species and institutions dedicated to research, the country provides ample research opportunities. Apart from that, you will receive cutting-edge technology, access to modern resources and top-notch expertise, which will help you enrich your learning experience.


International Collaborations - The country consistently collaborates with international organisations, global summits and participates in  different worldwide initiatives related to wildlife sciences. This will help broaden your understanding related to the course as you’ll receive information from experts all around the globe.


Tourism and Recreation - Every year, thousands of tourists flock to the country, all because of its stunning landscapes, mesmerising wildlife and diverse flora and fauna. Hence, as a graduate of wildlife sciences, you can enter the tourism sector and provide expertise in wildlife interpretation and environmental education.


Conservation Opportunities - The country regularly strives to take the initiative towards conservation and policy-making for wildlife preservation. As a wildlife sciences learner, you can enter into diverse conservation prospects and actively participate in policy-making.  This will give you practical insights into the challenges faced by the professionals and the methodology taken to overcome the obstacles. 


Salaries of Wildlife Sciences Professionals in New Zealand

 The country offers rewarding salaries to professionals working in different arenas of wildlife sciences. Apart from that, what’s better than working in a country with such exquisite wildlife, right? Below is the table of average salaries for wildlife professionals in New Zealand.

Job Role

Average Salary Range (NZD per year)

Wildlife Technician/Research Assistant

NZD 40,000 - NZD 55,000

Conservation Officer

NZD 45,000 - NZD 60,000

Wildlife Rehabilitation Assistant

NZD 40,000 - NZD 50,000

Wildlife Biologist/Scientist

NZD 60,000 - NZD 80,000


NZD 55,000 - NZD 75,000

Park Ranger

NZD 50,000 - NZD 65,000

Wildlife Manager

NZD 70,000 - NZD 90,000

Environmental Consultant

NZD 65,000 - NZD 85,000

Wildlife Policy Advisor

NZD 60,000 - NZD 80,000

Wildlife Veterinarian

NZD 75,000 - NZD 110,000

Research Scientist

NZD 80,000 - NZD 120,000

Environmental Impact Assessor

NZD 70,000 - NZD 90,000

In conclusion, studying wildlife sciences in New Zealand is like working in a live natural laboratory with access to expert professionals, rigorous curriculums and practical teaching methodology. Moreover, you will receive ample opportunities to gain industrial exposure and build up your skillset, leading to a smooth gateway for future employment opportunities. Therefore, you’ll have an excellent academic environment topped with touring the stunning country as a bonus.



Q. What fieldwork options are there in New Zealand for studying wildlife sciences?

A. Studying animal sciences have a wealth of fieldwork options thanks to New Zealand's diverse habitats and distinctive wildlife. You can participate in habitat assessments, field surveys, animal monitoring, and conservation initiatives. The curriculum frequently includes field trips to national parks, reserves, and wildlife rehabilitation facilities.


Q. After earning a degree in wildlife sciences, can you find employment in New Zealand?

A. A post-study work visa may be available to those who complete their wildlife sciences degree in New Zealand, allowing them to work there for a set amount of time. The length of the visa is determined by the level of qualification achieved.  You should consult the immigration authorities for complete information and recent updates.


Q. Do studying wildlife sciences in New Zealand have access to any scholarships?

A. Yes, various scholarships are available for those who want to pursue wildlife sciences. You can broadly divide them into New Zealand Development Scholarships, university-specific scholarships, and grants provided by organisations such as the Department of Conservation (DOC). You should also check with the university you are applying to to gain accurate scholarship information.


We have provided sufficient information on Studying Wildlife Sciences in New Zealand. If you are still unsure or would like to get deeper insight, we encourage you to have a word with our team of expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). If you cannot travel to our offices, we offer online counselling services via our website. Our dedicated counsellors will provide the best guidance regarding your application to study in New Zealand. Don’t hesitate to contact us at or call us at 1800-1230-00011.

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