IELTS Speaking Test Tips: A Comprehensive Guide


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 10 June 2023 & Read Time 6 minutes



The IELTS Speaking test can be challenging as it requires fluency, coherent responses, and the ability to express oneself confidently and accurately within a limited time frame. Imagine the exhilarating feeling of acing the IELTS speaking, where your words flow effortlessly and confidently, leaving your examiner captivated by your eloquence and command of English.


Enhancing your spoken English is crucial to elevate your performance and achieving a higher band score on IELTS Speaking. Below are valuable strategies and IELTS Speaking Test Tips to excel in your English proficiency exam.


Grasp the IELTS Speaking Structure and Evaluation Criteria

Let’s start with our first and foremost tip to excel in IELTS. To ensure effective preparation, it is vital to have a thorough grasp of the structure and assessment criteria used for the IELTS Speaking questions. This knowledge will guide your preparation and enable you to plan accordingly.


The speaking test of IELTS consists of three distinct sections: Introduction and Interview, Individual Long Turn, and Two-Way Discussion. The assessment criteria for IELTS Speaking include fluency, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, pronunciation, and coherence.


Formulate Effective Preparation Strategies

Besides understanding structure and evaluation criteria, practising and IELTS Speaking Preparation are important for improving fluency, coherence, and accuracy, leading to higher IELTS band scores. You must craft a vibrant symphony of studies and skilfully weave a tapestry of time for preparation. Such an aspect is also among the most important IELTS Speaking Test Tips.


To amplify the skills, embrace a medley of resources. You can indulge in sample questions to sharpen your English-speaking skills, engage with friends to refine your fluency or join online platforms to unlock a world full of language-learning prospects.


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Enhance IELTS Speaking Skills

Unleash your full potential by expanding your vocabulary, refining grammar, and nurturing sentence structures to transform your IELTS speaking skills. Step into the enchanting habit of reading, embrace every word written and immerse yourself completely in books to enhance your vocabulary.


Release the power of your voice and speak aloud. You’ll surely witness your confidence grow as your pronunciation and fluency become an ethereal tapestry resonating with people’s hearts and leaving a lasting imprint.


Develop Confidence and Fluency

Here’s another aspect of IELTS Speaking Test Tips, building confidence. While IELTS speaking preparation is like a mighty oak standing tall in a forest of uncertainties, you can grow your confidence by participating in mock interviews and engaging in English conversations with native speakers or language exchange partners. Summon your courage within and step onto the grand stage of public speaking or embrace the exhilaration of debate clubs to enhance your fluency and articulation.


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Effective Time Management

Time becomes a precious commodity, wielding its influence over your performance. Time management can be your biggest ally when managed wisely, propelling you towards an IELTS speaking score. Structure your answers and ensure conciseness for better time management. To craft them, employ the techniques mentioned below as IELTS speaking test tips:


  1. Introduction: Start with a concise statement presenting the topic

  2. Main Points: Identify crucial elements and organise them coherently and logically.

  3. Supporting Evidence: Boost answers with succinct examples or data.

  4. Analysis: Give short explanations or analyses of the main points.

  5. Transition Phrases: Using transitional phrases are important to connect two ideas.

  6. Conclusion: Provide key points in a brief, reinforcing the overall response.

  7. Practice and Review: Apply these techniques to ensure refined structures and concise, comprehensive answers.


Enhance your time management during practice sessions to optimise your performance and train yourself to deliver concise and well-structured answers within the specified limits. Doing so will also develop your confidence level and aptitude when faced with the real test's time constraints.


Utilise Effective Communication Strategies

Head on to our next most important aspect of IELTS Speaking Test Tips. Effective communication strategies for better organising your thoughts and ideas are crucial before responding to questions.


Use speaking tips for IELTS, such as linking words and phrases to enhance coherence and cohesion.


Practice the usage of the words given below for these specific purposes.


To build upon previous points:

  • furthermore,

  • moreover

  • in addition,

  • among others


To introduce contrasting or opposing ideas:

  • on the other hand

  • in contrast

  • however

  • among others


Infusing your opinions with a richness of examples, and illustrating the essence of your viewpoint, is important to lend credibility and depth to your arguments.



To sum up, unlock the door to your linguistic prowess by following IELTS Speaking Test Tips listed above with dedication, perseverance, and unwavering determination. Implementing speaking tips for IELTS helps you embrace the tips, enhance your confidence levels, and elevate your performance.


You must understand that through practice and preparation with dedication and perseverance, you have the power to defeat any barrier and come up victorious with your desired IELTS Speaking band score. Believe in your abilities, embrace the challenges and let your determination lead you to success.



Q: What does the IELTS Speaking Test entail?

A: The IELTS Speaking Test is a test that evaluates your ability to communicate in English. It consists of a one-on-one interview with a trained examiner.


Q: How long does the IELTS Speaking Test last?

A: The IELTS Speaking lasts 11 to 14 minutes and is broken down into three sections: an introduction and interview, a short speech, and a discussion.


Q: What are the criteria for scoring in IELTS Speaking?

A: The IELTS Speaking test will be evaluated on four aspects: fluency and coherence, lexical resources, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. In the scoring method, each criterion is given equal weight.


Q: How to improve fluency and pronunciation for the IELTS Speaking Test?

A: Regular IELTS speaking preparation will help you improve your fluency and pronunciation. Talk to native speakers, listen to English audio or podcasts, and record yourself to identify areas for growth. It can also help to imitate native speakers and concentrate on stress, pitch, and word/sentence rhythm.


Q: Are there any specific topics or themes to prepare for IELTS Speaking?

A: Personal experience, hobbies, employment, education, and current events are all covered in the IELTS Speaking test. While specific topics cannot be predicted, it is mindful to be aware of broad issues and prepare ideas for topics such as technology, the environment, health, and social trends.


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We hope you had an insightful journey knowing about IELTS speaking tips and tricks. If you would like to get more information on IELTS speaking test tips, we encourage you to have a word with our team of expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). Our counsellors will provide you with guidance throughout your study abroad journey. Visit us and get one-to-one counselling or avail yourself of free video counselling via our website. We will be happy to help you, so please do not hesitate to contact us at or 1800-1230-00011.


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