Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination - IELTS speaking cue card


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 17 February 2024 & Read Time 9 minutes


Are you seeking tips on how to respond to cue card questions in preparation for your upcoming IELTS speaking exam? Don't worry! We have covered how to respond to IELTS speaking cue card themes such as "Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination" in this blog. Now, let's get started on the blog!


Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination cue card - sample answer 1


It is vital to employ our imagination because it displays our intelligence as well as our creativity. I often harness the power of imagination, and I'd like to recount an instance where I employed it in my workplace. Making a good presentation is difficult for individuals who do not have a solid understanding of the topic or issue. As a junior sales analyst at a prominent tube light manufacturer in Sawaimadhopur, I encountered such a situation recently, which I'll elaborate on.


Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination


When was it?

A few months back, my manager asked me to prepare a presentation in addition to my routine tasks. However, he provided scant details on the topic, leaving me perplexed. Despite the very little knowledge, I had to rely on my imagination to formulate something suitable for him.


When did you need to use imagination?

Unlike conventional presentations involving statistical data and graphs, this one centred on our urgent need to boost sales and surpass competitors. Reflecting on it now, I appreciate the challenge my manager presented to me. My manager wanted to see how good of a planner and analyser I was, so he gave me as little information as possible. So, I delved into our sales and financial data, leveraging research and imagination to complete the presentation. The internet was helpful in my efforts to finish the presentation. 


How difficult or easy was it?


Preparing the presentation under such circumstances was undeniably daunting, compounded by the tight deadline of five days imposed by my manager.  It appeared to be an impossible scenario, but somehow, I did it. 


Explain how you felt about it?

I experienced a mix of fear and uncertainty throughout the process, doubting the adequacy of my presentation; however, upon presenting it to my colleagues and witnessing their positive reaction, a sense of relief washed over me. Their appreciation of my ideas boosted my confidence significantly, emboldening me to integrate imagination with solid evidence in subsequent presentations.



Despite initial apprehensions, the appreciation I got through my imaginative approach validated its efficacy.


Read More: IELTS cue card -  Describe an Invention that changed people's life 


Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination cue card - sample answer 2


Imagination is a remarkable aspect of human cognition, offering boundless possibilities for creativity and problem-solving. Throughout life, there arise instances where one's ability to imagine becomes indispensable in navigating challenges. One such occasion stands out vividly in my memory, demonstrating the power of imagination in a moment of adversity.


When was it?

This incident occurred several months ago during a trip to Bangalore for an examination. After completing my exam, I embarked on the journey back home. However, due to fog, my train back home was cancelled. Left with limited options, I opted to take a bus instead; around 2 a.m., the bus left me off at my city's bus terminal. I told my parents I was taking the bus, but my phone battery had died because I had left my torch on. Therefore, I couldn't inform my parents to come to pick me up, and I had to return home alone. 


When did you need to use imagination?

Alone in the deserted terminal, I got worried as I noticed a group of strangers approaching. My gut told me they were not trustworthy and had some bad intentions, so I had to come up with a plan.


How difficult or easy was it?

In a moment of quick thinking, I faked a phone conversation, holding out my seemingly functional device and speaking animatedly into it. Though I knew my phone was dead, the illusion effectively deterred the approaching individuals. I started saying that I was just around the corner. They returned as soon as they heard this, and I took advantage of the chance to rush to the nearby store. 


Explain how you felt about it?

My heartbeats were racing nonstop the entire time. I borrowed a phone from the sales clerk and called my parents to come pick me up. It was a frightening situation. When I finally saw my parents, I exhaled with relief. They told me they wouldn't have been able to think as rapidly as I did, and my father told me he was extremely pleased with my intelligence to come up with a quick solution to navigate through a possible dangerous situation.



Ultimately, I was relieved that I could use my imagination to escape that circumstance. 


Also Read: IELTS speaking cue card - Describe a Creative Person you admire 


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Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination cue card - sample answer 3


Imagination is crucial to creative thinking and intelligence, highlighting one's ability to think innovatively. I often rely on my imagination during various activities, particularly during school. Today, I'll delve into an instance where I utilised my imagination in an academic setting.


When was it?

My reliance on imagination was particularly evident during high school, especially when studying science, social science, and physics. In tenth grade, I had to prepare for an examination using only my imagination.


When did you need to use imagination?

This need arose during my eleventh-grade physics final exam. Unfortunately, I fell ill just before the exam and couldn't adequately prepare. Despite my condition, I decided to attempt the exam by relying solely on my imagination. I answered the questions by imagining scenarios and wrote them down in my own words.


How difficult or easy was it?

Initially, the thought of taking the exam under such circumstances seemed daunting. However, my habit of constructing mental narratives to understand complex concepts in physics gave me confidence. Despite minimal preparation, I entered the exam hall with a sense of optimism.


Explain how you felt about it?

I was initially concerned about whether or not I would be able to respond adequately. However, my confidence grew as I began answering questions by visualising scenarios and applying theoretical knowledge. Upon completing the exam, I felt a profound sense of accomplishment, knowing I had relied solely on my imagination to tackle the question paper.



Ultimately, my decision to approach the exam with imagination paid off. Despite the initial hurdles, I performed well and received commendable grades. This experience reaffirmed the significance of imagination in overcoming obstacles and achieving success, especially in studies.


Also, Read: IELTS speaking cue card - Describe your First Day at School



Question: Do you think imagination is necessary for scientists?

Answer: Yes, imagination is required to create something unique. Scientists can only create interesting equipment and devices if they are creative. They require a good sense of imagination. 


Question: Do you think adults can have lots of imagination?

Answer: I believe that creativity develops with age. Because children are free of duties and stresses, they can imagine numerous things; occasionally, they can conceive things that are not conceivable. They do so because they lack a sense of right and wrong. Adults can imagine correctly and construct just those stories that are possible in reality; nevertheless, due to workload and stress, their imagination ability is lower than that of youngsters. 


Question: What subjects are helpful for people’s imagination?

Answer: Imagination comes easily to children, but it is a mental habit that must be taught and repeated throughout life: "Young human beings need exercises in imagination as much as they need practice in all the necessary life skills." Literature, inquiry stories, and daring acts benefit people's imaginations.


Question: What kind of jobs need imagination?

Answer: Imagination is required in many industries, including design, computer programming, event management, architectural work, and all types of scientific jobs.  A person with a low imagination level cannot excel in this sector, but someone with a high imagination level achieves great achievement. 


Question: Do you think children can have a good imagination level?

Answer: Yes, the most significant component of any scientific invention is imagination.  Scientists must examine things from a fresh angle. People laughed at the Wright Brothers when they thought they could create a machine to transport humans into the sky. But, thanks to their inventiveness and experiments, they were successful, and the rest is history. So, scientific creation is only conceivable with creativity. 


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With the right approach, as guided in the blog, you can easily ace the “Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination” type of question in an IELTS speaking cue card. However, we recommend you tell your personal experience while answering these questions. Also, you must remember how you should answer these questions.


We hope now you have an idea of how to answer the “Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination” type of cue card questions in your IELTS speaking test. But, still, if you are, if you want to get further details or would like to prepare for IELTS, then you can contact our expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). You can also take free online counselling through our website. Our expert counsellors will provide you with the best support and guidance you need for admission and visa. In addition, they will help you shortlist the universities according to your profile. For more information or any queries, contact or 1800-1230-00011.

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