Meridean Overseas
Updated On 10 September 2022 & Read Time 2 minutes
Germany plans to issue its own version of a Green Card - "Chancenkarte". This attempts to fill the skill gap by allowing migrants to move to Germany even before receiving a confirmed job offer.
Chancenkarte, literally translating to " opportunity card " favours non-EU nationals who wish to work and settle in Germany.
Germany is planning to implement this strategy by Autumn. The federal republic of Germany is working diligently to introduce a new point-based immigration system. This system would allow interested applicants to come and stay in Germany without an initial offer letter. They can go and find jobs in Germany.
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Federal Labour minister Hubertus Heil disclosed initial details of the new point-based immigration system. This will be presented in his cabinet this autumn to cut down on skill shortage in the country.
Minister quoted in an interview that German needs more immigrants; the light coalition will present a modern immigration law for this in the autumn. America's green card system inspires this new immigration law; it will be known as an opportunity card (Chancenkarte) in Germany. This opportunity card will use a point-based system to ensure the immigration of workers in needy sectors.
Heil revealed that every year depending upon the needs in a specific sector, the Government would set a quota for the number of jobs. Depending on the allocation, people can come to Germany and work there. People can go to Germany under this scheme and look for a job and get trained, but they have to follow certain rules during this time:
Applicant should have a recognised degree in a professional course
Applicant should have at least three years of working experience
They should demonstrate German proficiency
The applicant's age limit should not exceed 35
This criterion is similar to the point-based system used in Canada and the United States of America. Further labour minister quoted that "this is about qualified immigration, an unbureaucratic process, and that's why it important that we say those who have the opportunity card can earn a living while they live here."
Heil further commented that the system is similar to Canada’s immigration process but with additional restrictions and conditions.
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