
Save money on UK Quarantine & Get Free Flight to UK 2021

Qurantine money saving tips for red list country students. 

The U.K is has reviewed its red list country arrival policies and and has made the following things mandatory. 

1. A 10 day hotel quarantine mandatory. 

2. Covid negative Report with test taken in maximum 72 hours prior to departure. 

3. Students who wish to study in UK must fill their passenger health locator form. 


The government has also announced hotel quratine charges of GBP 1750 per adult. However, students who are travelling to the U.K we at Meridean Overseas have brought a plan to find you your quarantine partner at your desired university as quarantine charges for two adults are only GBP 2400. 

Students are advised to fill meridean free flight form to take advantage of this programme. 

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