Describe a good law in your country: IELTS cue card


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 13 September 2024 & Read Time 8 minutes


The only part of the IELTS exam where the student speaks with the examiner face-to-face and receives a score for it is the speaking section. Cue card subjects in the speaking segment allow students to demonstrate their language proficiency and subject-matter expertise. This specific segment lasts between 11 and 14 minutes.




We will review one of the most well-known cue card subjects frequently asked in the speaking test today: "Describe a good law in your country." We will also go over example responses and follow-up questions for this cue card. Now, let's begin working through the solutions!

Describe a good law in your country: cue card sample answer 1


Laws are the rules and regulations the country's government imposes on every citizen. These rules are made to maintain peace and harmony in the country and have quality among the citizens. Today, I want to share about a good law of my country that I came across recently. 


What is the law?

I came across cyber law, which is covered under the Information Technology Act, 2000, also known as the IT Act.  


How did you come to know about this law?

With the changing times and advancing technology, the crime rate online has increased. Even though the law was enacted and made in 2000, its actual use has started in recent years. I learned about it when a huge fraud was committed online. That is when I did my research on the subject and what provisions a person has in matters of such fraud. 


Whom does it affect?

In these scenarios, the most aggrieved people are the ones who have the least knowledge of online portals and indulge themselves in the entire process. This law is mainly for the people who, by unknown means, get stuck in frauds where they are unaware of where to go. 


Why is it good?

Cyber laws are good laws because, since this act was established, people have a gateway and a means of approaching the authorities in matters of distress. Additionally, certain rules to punish people sitting behind their screens and committing these crimes are essential, and with the rise in the use of technology, it is mandatory to have proper laws in place. 



Cyber laws are important and necessary given the country's current situation and increasing cyber crimes. 


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Describe a good law in your country: cue card sample answer 2


Law and order are important for every country to maintain equilibrium and provide relief for suffering and undermined people. So, today, I want to mention a good law I encountered. 


What is the law?

The minimum age to get married for women has been increased from 18 to 21 in the Prohibition of Child Marriage Bill, 2021.


How did you come to know about this law?

Every individual should be aware of their rights and changes that occur in laws and regulations, especially the significant changes that the government makes. I came across this change while reading the newspaper one day. It was essential for every person as this also gave time and opportunity to the females of the country. 


Whom does it affect?

This change directly affects the country's female population. Earlier in India, early marriage was a prominent practice, wherein girls were married at a very young age. The age has been defined in two acts in India: the Hindu Marriage Act, 1996, and the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006.


Why is it good?

This particular change is good because it gives the girls of the country an opportunity to work on themselves and make a career. In today’s time, in my opinion, every girl needs to have financial independence, which can only be achieved when they have the correct education and capabilities. With the help of this law, people would be scared to marry their girl child early as there are repercussions if caught. 


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To sum up, in my opinion, the government's decision to change the legal age to get married for girls was the right one, as this small step would give them a ray of hope.

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Describe a good law in your country: cue card sample answer 3


The law in India favours women to a large extent. However, the law is entirely based on how the people suffering interpret it and use it for their benefit. Today, I want to talk about a gender-neutral law that applies equally to both men and women.


What is the law?

The law regarding divorce is mentioned under the Hindu Marriage Act 1996 and the Divorce Act 1869.


How did you come to know about this law?

When I was in law school studying various kinds of laws, I came across the Hindu Marriage Act, 1996, which defines who will be considered a Hindu person and with what rules and regulations a marriage should be conducted which will be accepted by the law. Along with these provisions, the act also talks about the dissolution of marriage and on what grounds a marriage can be dissolved.


Whom does it affect?

Divorce law affects both parties involved in it, but the best part is that the divorce rules apply equally to men and women who have done wrong to their spouses.


Why is it good?

This law is good because, first and foremost, it is gender-neutral and works the same way for both men and women. Second, the grounds given in the act do not mention that it will favour only one person; rather, it clearly states that whosoever has been done wrong will get justice.



To conclude, the majority of Indian laws favour women as they should due to the wrongdoing against them, but there needs to be a balance for men as well, which the divorce laws provide them.


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IELTS Speaking Part 3- Follow-up questions

Question- Do you think this law is acceptable to the people?

Answer- Yes, I think all the Indians equally accept the laws mentioned above. However, as I mentioned earlier, law is a subjective domain that works on interpretation rather than following word-to-word. 


Question- Is there any situation wherein people may disobey the law?

Answer—There are several instances where people disobey the rules. This is where the crimes start. Crimes are committed by people who have no regard for the laws and are willing to do wrong to people. Because of these criminals, laws need to be made and implemented. 


Question- Why do some people prefer to be a lawyer?

Answer- Some people prefer to be lawyers because law is one of the professional domains through which you can serve justice, and they have the zeal to deliver that. Second, the major reason people choose law as their profession is because the country has a high rate of crime and citizens are not aware of the basic laws available to them wherein the lawyers help them through which they earn a lot of money. 


Question- How has the implementation of this law impacted society?

Answer- The implementation of cyber laws has impacted society largely as people have become more aware of the kinds of fraud that are happening in the country and are more careful of them. It has also created awareness to know more about their rights and who to approach if they get themselves in something wrong and are suffering. 


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Question- Are there any challenges or criticisms associated with this law?

Answer- Yes, definitely, there are many challenges and criticisms associated with all the laws of the country, as the laws laid down by the government are based on interpretation. Therefore, the aggrieved person always feels that they have not been given justice. Additionally, laws in India are very women-centric, which is wrong; the male population should also have some laws that favour them or give them equal opportunity to approach the authorities if they are done wrong. 

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In conclusion, some cue card topics, such as "Describe a good law in your country", can be somewhat difficult, but don't be afraid to do your hardest to come up with an appropriate response at that particular time. It is advisable to remain composed, consider all your options, create a compelling justification, and present it with assurance. With subjects like these, assurance is crucial.


We hope you learned how to answer the “Describe a good law in your country'' type of questions in your IELTS speaking test. If you want to get further details or would like to prepare for IELTS, you may contact our expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). You can also take free online counselling through our website. Our expert counsellors will provide you with the best support and guidance you need for admission and visa. In addition, they will help you shortlist the universities according to your profile. For more information or any queries, contact or 1800-1230-00011.

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