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29 questions

Sir i done my U.G in civil engineering what can i do next to get job easily?
Iam a civilengineering student i want to do masters or another course which is demandable in italy?

Hi, most engineering courses are in demand in Italy. So, you can pursue a master's in the same field of engineering. Also, if you have an interest in any other field like business courses and have work experience in that field; then you can go in that field.

I have my 12th commerce pass in 2012 and at this time i think i want to go for bachelor study.

Hello, can you be please specific about the country you want to go for your studies. Whereas if we talk about UK universities, then yes you are eligible for various universities. For further details please contact us or mail your queries at .

Will you also apply for regional scholarship in italy or i have to do it myself.???

Yes, you can definitely contact us to apply for your regional scholarship in Italy.

What are the documents needed to apply for the IMAT exams and how to get them translated accordingly
I got admitted in university of Pisa for master program but I am in final year and my final exam is
70% in be mech 2018 eligible for master in italy

Yes, your marks is eligible. But for full eligibility send your all academics and updated CV on over

Aditya Kumar
can you elaborate on the bank statement requirements of italy?

There are three Consulates for Italy in India, Here mentioned the bank statement requirements in each consulate:

Delhi: 3 years of bank statement

Mumbai: 3 months of Bank Statement

Kolkata: 6 Months of Bank statement

what are the chances of getting called for an interview at the embassy?
I'm currently studying in class 12th. How can I apply for universities in Italy after 10+2 ?

You can apply now also, In order to check your eligibility you can share your 10, 10+2 (Predicted mark sheets) documents on


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