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Is Italy good for international students?


John Mathew

Yes in Italy around more than 10000 candidates got visas from third nation. It is a very popular destination for International  candidates


Italy is one of the most popular among the popular study destinations for international students, not only for stunning locations, Vibrant Culture, but also due to the fact of presence of a number of high-quality academic institutions, Universities, Qualified faculties across the country, also low tuition fees is the another reason for students to choose Italy as a study destination. Last but not least, Italy provides 100% scholarship Opportunity to each and every student. Tuition Fees – Public Universities: €900 – €4000 Tuition Fees – Private Universities: €6000 – €22000 Accommodation Costs: €300 – €700/month Food and Transportation Costs: €150 – €250/ month

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