Top Scholarships for Students at University College London

Scholarships at University College London, UK

Alistair Grant Law Scholarship
Scholarship Name Alistair Grant Law Scholarship
Scholarship amount £5,000.
UCL Santander Scholarship
Scholarship Name UCL Santander Scholarship
Scholarship amount £5,000
UCL European Access Scholarship
Scholarship Name UCL European Access Scholarship
Scholarship amount £9,000 per year
UCL Access Opportunity Scholarship for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Scholarship Name UCL Access Opportunity Scholarship for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Scholarship amount Full tuition fee waiver and £15,000 living stipend
UCL BME Attainment Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Name UCL BME Attainment Scholarship Fund
Scholarship amount up to £25,000 over 3 years
UCL Undergraduate Access Scholarship
Scholarship Name UCL Undergraduate Access Scholarship
Scholarship amount £9,000 per year
IOE-ISH Centenary Masters Scholarships
Scholarship Name IOE-ISH Centenary Masters Scholarships
Scholarship amount £10,000
Access Opportunity Scholarship
Scholarship Name Access Opportunity Scholarship
Scholarship amount Full tuition fee waiver and £15,000 living stipend
Denys Holland Scholarship
Scholarship Name Denys Holland Scholarship
Scholarship amount £9,000 per year
UCL Global Excellence Scholarships
Scholarship Name UCL Global Excellence Scholarships
Scholarship amount £12,000

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