How to Prepare For a University Interview in UK

How to Get Through University Interviews With Flying Colors


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 14 March 2022 & Read Time 4 minutes



During admission to a UK university, a student has to go through various steps. It takes so much effort to apply as an international student. We are here making simplify each step for you so you can understand and complete your process without any hurdle.

After securing an offer letter, the next target must be achieving a CAS letter. This becomes a colossal task for the student as he has to prove his eligibility why he deserves admission. University also examines the student on the various aspects so it can ensure the authenticity of the student. 

In this essay, we'll go over the necessary preparations for passing the PRE-CAS interview with flying colors. The admission procedure starts from applying for an offer letter. UK visas & immigration (UKVI) added this as an essential part of the admission process to the UK university. It is necessary to pass the interview to acquire Confirmation of Acceptance to Study (CAS) which leads to applying for Tier 4 visa.

What is a university interview?

Each student has to face an interview conducted by the University To acquire Confirmation of Acceptance to Study (CAS). This interview is called the PRE-CAS interview or Credibility interview.


Further, we are elucidating the precautions you must-have during the interview:- 

1 Comprehend study module:- A question can be asked to you how the chosen course will help you. To answer this, There should be a clear understanding in your mind of the course component. You can read it on the university website and prepare yourself accordingly.


2 Refrain yourself from other aims:- There might be a question in a discussion about your strategy after study. We advise you not to disclose, you want to work here in the UK. It will question your intention on being a student.

Want to Know more about: Benefits of studying in the UK compared to India


3 Let them know about study catalyst:- There is a suggestion for you that you must share your inspiration in selecting this course. It will picture you as a sincere student. You can share the things how this will help you to achieve your future goal.


4 Avert sweeping justification:-  While answering all questions, we recommend that you must not answer with the basic idea. You've put a lot of money into your job, thus it's reasonable to expect a student to respond individually to each subject while offering data and statistics.


5 Your monetary aid:- In last but not least, this will be the most crucial moment of your interview where you will be asked to elaborate on how you will manage your funds. Will, you self-finance your study? Though you are eligible to do a part-time job. 
But this is not advisable to tell them that you will do a job to meet your daily expenses. 

Timing of University Interview

Once you receive the conditional offer letter from the institution, you must meet all of the requirements in order to receive the CAS. To pass the interview is one of the conditions. The interview slot will be sent to you through email by the university. After selecting a slot, the university conducts the interview according to it. In case you are unable to attend, it is expected you that let authorities know as soon as possible so they can reschedule the interview.


The pattern of Pre-CAS discussion:-

Time duration

20 to 30 minutes long

Type of Interview

One to one interview

Medium of Interview

Over the phone or Skype


The intent of the discussion mechanism:- 

To ensure the authentication check of the student is the very purpose of this interview process. Earlier, candidates used to register themself as a student and never attend class. they tend to indulge in jobs and other activities. This process helps to short out sincere students. 


Quintessential questionnaire

Here we present a questionnaire. We advise you to check and equip yourself with suitable answers. 

  • Reason for selecting the course and for university
  • Knowledge of course components 
  • Your plan after your study
  • Clarification about study gap
  • Elaborate on living expenses and how you manage them. 
  • University Key features
  • Regarding previous visa refusal

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