Explore Sports at New Zealand Universities


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 26 May 2023 & Read Time 8 minutes



When we speak of athletes, the image of someone jogging on a long-lost track with their heart racing fast and beads of sweat rolling down their face comes to mind. Doing a sport is not only about acing competitions, but also about maintaining physical stamina, having a healthy body, and maintaining a good metabolism. Sports help balance out our lives and add an extra energy boost to daily life. In this blog, we will walk you through different facilities for sports education and recreation in New Zealand. So, as they say, be a sport and read the blog given below.

Why Sports are Important?

Sports bring self-discipline and allow individuals to be their own life coaches. People who play sports learn key life lessons about perseverance, willpower, endurance, and gain the strength to face life head-on. Furthermore, sports are an excellent way to stay physically and mentally fit. Sports education in New Zealand operates with the core understanding of the importance of inculcating a relationship between universities and athletes, with universities placing key emphasis on making athletics a part of the educational framework.


Explore sports facilities at universities in New Zealand so you can swim through life and dribble through all your challenges.

Infrastructure Facilities for Sports in New Zealand Universities

Variety of Sports


There is a wide range of athletic programs in New Zealand universities. Universities also offer a wide range of sports and recreational activities to offer every sports enthusiast from basketball and wa ter polo skating to traditional practices of yoga and Tai Chi. Don’t just get caught up in the regular rut of classroom learning and nurture the athletic streak within you!


A Healthy Mind Resides in a Healthy Body


Sports are not just related to physical fitness; they are beneficial to mental fitness as well. Universities in New Zealand take adequate measures to promote mental fitness as well by providing a variety of programs, such as rehabilitation-friendly classes, exercise regimens for mind strengthening, meditation, and yoga to help students develop mental health resilience.


Vast Swimming Arenas


Imagine rushing into the water and relaxing your body to get rid of your blues. Relaxing, right? Universities in New Zealand provide modern facilities where experienced coaches are available to train students. Moreover, students are encouraged to participate in important sports competitions and coached for the same if they wish to advance in their sports journey. Universities provide them with various facilities and high-quality equipment for a fruitful learning experience.


Dance to the Beats


Syncing your body to the beat of the music transports you into an ethereal world of relaxation and bliss. Universities in New Zealand have dance and aerobic spaces in place for all students. The rooms are completely sound-proof and adorned by creative decorations, to entice students to try out some classic moves. Moreover, a variety of dance forms that double as cardio and strength training are available. Also, cultural programs are organised where students can actively participate and demonstrate their skills. So, take some time out from your busy academic life and dance away your worries and calories!


Sports Complexes


New Zealand universities have a variety of sports complexes, be it smashing badminton complexes, adrenaline-filled boxing rings or roller skating spaces. You will be sure to find modern infrastructure and specialised mentors. Moreover, these universities provide all the preliminary support scholars need to participate in international sports events and make their mark.

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Sports Scholarships in New Zealand Universities

Various Sports scholarships in New Zealand universities are available. Below is a list of some leading scholarships for sports offered by universities in New- Zealand:

University Name

Scholarship Name


 The University of Auckland

 Vice-chancellor’s Sports Scholarship

  • Awarded to athletes who have achieved national or international recognition in their sport.

  • Value of scholarship- $10,000

  • The scholarship entails academic support, training facilities and equipment with opportunities to participate in diverse activities.

University of Otago

Otago Polytechnic Sports Scholarship

  • It is for students who have achieved excellence in their chosen sport.

  • Covers up to $1,5000 in tuition fees.

  • Renewable for up to two years

Lincoln University

Rugby Scholarship

  • For student-athletes who have demonstrated exceptional skills in rugby.

  • The scholarship entails tuition fees, living expenses, as well as specialised coaching and training.

University of Canterbury

Women in Sports Scholarship

  • This scholarship is for female-student athletes.

  • The scholarship entails tuition fees, living expenses, and academic and sporting support services.

Massey University

Massey University Sports Scholarships

  • For students who have achieved academic excellence.

  • The scholarship entails financial assistance to help students with training and competition costs with academic support.

The University of Waikato

Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship

  • Those students who have achieved academic excellence in previous studies can avail of this scholarship.

  • The scholarship entails training, competition costs and academic support.

Auckland University of Technology

 AUT Millennium Scholarship

  • The scholarship is for high-performance athletes who are competing at a national or international level and are training full-time.

  • The scholarship entails financial assistance, academic expenses, along with proper resources.

Victoria University of Wellington

   Football scholarship

  • It is for students who have played at esteemed sports platforms along with academic potential.

  • A scholarship of up to $5000 is awarded.

  • The scholarship entails coaching, support services, training camps

Note: These are some of the leading scholarships provided by universities in sports. Students are advised to go through the specific university’s website to gain an understanding of other scholarships.

Activities Conducted for Sports Recreation

Sports Events


Universities in New Zealand conduct various sports events, such as intercollegiate competitions and sports events from time to time. The New Zealand University Games is a multi-sport competition held in March/April every year. Students are also given support to participate in international platforms such as the Olympics. Moreover, the country hosts global sports events such as AMEX Queenstown Winter Festival, FIFA world cups, and Hertz Sevens. Hence, the country offers athletes vast career prospects.




New Zealand universities collaborate with reputed sports academies and the government to enhance the framework of sports facilities for students. Regular maintenance and updating of requirements is necessary for students to get a properly equipped environment to practise. Universities also collaborate with reputable sports organisations to give their students a plethora of opportunities to build their sports careers.




Training workshops are organised regularly for athletes to learn the fundamentals of their chosen sport, practical tactics, and a way to strengthen their stamina. These workshops are structured in a way where students can balance sports and study commitments simultaneously.

New Zealand University Sports Programs

Sports education in New Zealand is high in quality, and universities offer a variety of sports programs. Courses are offered in many domains, including personal training, sports management, online gaming, and foundation courses. Let’s have a look at some leading Athletic programs in New Zealand Universities.


  • Health and Fitness Personal Training Course

  • Bachelor of Sports, Recreation and Exercise

  • Diploma in Sport, Recreation, and Performance

  • Diploma in Human Performance

  • Foundation Course in E-Sports

  • Bachelor of Sports Coaching

  • Bachelor of Health Sciences

  • Master of Sport Science


Q: Can international students compete at the national level in New Zealand?

A: Yes, international students can compete at various levels in New Zealand. It all depends on their skill set, performance level and the sport for which they have opted. Hence, students are advised to take measures for pre-training so that they can get selected easily.


Q: Do international students get scholarships for sports in New Zealand?

A: Yes, there are a variety of sports scholarships in New Zealand Universities. International students can apply for a variety of scholarships in New Zealand to cover their tuition fees, living expenses etc. Along with it, mentoring sessions and availability of sports equipment is also being provided to students. Moreover, the government of New Zealand also takes active measures in promoting sports facilities.


Q: How can I be a part of the university’s sports team?

A: If you wish to be a part of the university team, then you need to connect with the respective department and take part in the tryouts in order to be eligible.


To conclude, the ideal destination is New Zealand universities for sports enthusiasts to embark on their sports career as these institutions believe in nurturing students’ athletic spirit. What better place than a country with world-class infrastructure, modern facilities, and top-notch mentoring sessions? It is like a dream come true for every sports enthusiast! So, dive into these exciting sport recreation facilities in New Zealand along with your regular classroom learning!


We hope we have provided you with a comprehensive guide to explore sports at universities in New Zealand. If you are still unsure or would like to get deeper insight, we encourage you to have a word with our team of expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). If you are unable to travel to our offices, we offer online counselling services via our website. Our dedicated counsellors will provide you with the best guidance regarding your application to study in New Zealand. Don’t hesitate to contact us at application02@meridean.org or call us at 1800-1230-00011.

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