What is the Difference Between Scholarship and Fellowship


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 18 June 2024 & Read Time 9 minutes


Scholarship and Fellowship Meaning in Education: Most students are confused about the difference between scholarship and fellowship. These two words are often mistaken, as both describe financial help given to students to pursue their education.




Scholarship and fellowship help you pay for living expenses, tuition fees, books, study materials, and travel, among other things. These enable those with minimal financial resources to continue their study at a foreign institution. 


Although a scholarship and a fellowship are slightly different, they are both chosen for distinct reasons. One is provided for students’ academic achievement, and the other is awarded to research a specific subject.  


Financing organisations have observed a steady rise in the number of female candidates applying for education loans; this number increased from 25–30% (of the overall loan demand) in FY21 to 35–45% in FY24. This means that many candidates require financial help to study abroad. 


In this blog, you are going to learn about the difference between scholarship and fellowship, the scholarship and fellowship management portal, and much more. So, let’s dive deep to get complete details about this.

What is a scholarship?

 A scholarship is a grant given to students for their academic achievement to encourage them to do better in academics. It is financial aid granted by the government, university or any other organisation. 


This money can be used to pay for different expenses, such as books, tuition fees, project work, or any other expenses paid during studies. The best thing about getting a scholarship is that students are not required to repay this money. They can apply for a scholarship even before their undergraduate or graduate studies.


There are well-known scholarships for Indian students, such as the Aga Khan Foundation Tata Scholarship, International Scholarship Program, Rhodes Scholarships, Chevening Scholarships, QS Undergraduate Scholarship, and Gates Millennium Scholarship in the USA.


Eligibility for a Scholarship

Scholarships come in various forms and are awarded according to a wide range of standards established by the institution. Merit-based and need-based scholarships are available to aspiring undergraduate and graduate students who need financial aid to continue their education.


When to apply for a scholarship?

Scholarships are often given out for the following academic year or session. Therefore, candidates for graduate or undergraduate admission in the following academic year should submit their scholarship applications as soon as possible.


How to apply for a scholarship?

The scholarship application process differs. You must go to the website of the organisation, agency, or college providing the scholarship to review the qualifying requirements and application procedure. A candidate's educational institution may be required to nominate them for some prestigious scholarships.


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What is a fellowship?

Fellowship meaning in education, is that it is a financial help awarded to students who are going to do research on a specific subject after clearing the qualifying exam. A fellowship can be a grant given to students or scholars from various disciplines, such as management, finance, science, etc., to pursue research in a specific area.


Under the fellowship, the student/scholar can receive any benefit, including financial aid, such as access to the library or any other research facility. 


Usually, a Fellowship is provided while pursuing a graduate degree or above for research in any specific area. Financial aid or other benefits provided for research activities are called fellowships.


There are well-known fellowships for Indian students: the Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship, the Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship, the Fulbright-Nehru Master’s Fellowship, the Akhtarali H. Tobaccowala Fellowship, and The Indian Trust Fellowship.


Also, read: Indian Government Scholarships to Study Abroad


Eligibility for a Fellowship

Every organisation may have different eligibility criteria for fellowships, along with its objectives and focus. To be considered eligible for a fellowship, you need to meet the requirements and demonstrate outstanding capabilities. 


You should also show a strong interest in the research area for which you need a fellowship, such as leadership skills and some work experience. Moreover, you also need to be proficient in the language you plan to research.


When to Apply for a Fellowship?

The agency or organisation providing fellowships has already set the deadlines. Keep track of all the important dates on the official websites of those fellowships and apply accordingly. It is important to know that some fellowships accept applications once a year, so the application process commences a few months before the set submission date.


How to Apply for a Fellowship?

If you are planning to apply for a fellowship, begin by finding fellowship opportunities that are related to your career objectives, academic field, and interests. Many government agencies, higher education institutions, and non-profit organisations may have fellowships on offer. You can visit their individual official websites and submit an online application form for the same.

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Difference between Scholarship and Fellowship

Check out the difference between fellowship vs scholarship, and find which suits you best from the below given table.



A scholarship is typically a financial grant given to students with excellent academic proficiency. Two kinds of scholarships are provided to students: need-based and merit-based scholarships.

A fellowship, meaning for students, is a monetary or non-monetary grant provided to research scholars to continue their research and development in the education sector and bring about holistic growth. In this case, the fellowship benefits the education sector more than the awardee.

Scholarships ideally cover all aspects of the student's expenses. These include, but are not limited to, Tuition, cost of living, study material, utilities, and flights to India and back, to name a few. 

Fellowships are not restricted to just monetary grants. Fellowship can be provided in the form of financial aid, employment, research opportunities and status in an academic institution

Scholarships apply to students at all stages of their education. Students are eligible for scholarships while studying in school, in college for their higher education (UG / PG) or doing research work at PhD level. All individuals are eligible to apply for scholarships irrespective of their education.

Fellowships are grants available for courses after graduation. They are applicable for post-graduation, doctoral, and post-doctoral courses. Candidates in school or pursuing undergraduate studies are not eligible to apply for fellowships.

Scholarships are provided for the benefit of the students receiving them. Academic excellence (merit) and financially constrained students (need-based) are most likely to receive scholarships.

The main aim of a fellowship is to bring about research development and improve the welfare of the education system, with scholars contributing to it.

Scholarships are provided by public and private universities and offered by private and government organisations for the welfare of students.

Fellowships are provided mainly by educational institutions or foundations associated with the education sector.

Scholarships are confined to monetary benefits, and no entailing benefits are provided to students.

Fellowships are not limited to monetary benefits. They can also take the form of employment, recognition, or status to help research fellows contribute to the education system.

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To sum up, fellowships and scholarships are essential sources of funding that help candidates achieve their career and academic objectives. Fellowships are intended for advanced individuals and concentrate on research, professional development, and specialised training. In contrast, scholarships are primarily merit-based or need-based and intended for any level of student. In addition, both fellowships and scholarships offer numerous advantages, such as financial assistance, networking possibilities, and chances for career progress.


If you want to know more about what is the difference between scholarship and fellowship, we encourage you to speak with our team of expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). Our counsellors will provide you with guidance throughout your study abroad. Get help with the application process, SOPs, and filing for a visa. Visit us and get one-to-one counselling, or avail yourself of free video counselling via our website. We will be happy to help you, so please do not hesitate to contact us at application02@meridean.org or 1800-1230-00011.


Question: What is the difference between a scholarship and a fellowship?

Answer: A fellowship is a financial reward provided to those pursuing research or further study in a particular subject, whereas a scholarship is a financial honour given to students based on academic merit or other criteria.


Question: Are fellowships and scholarships offered with similar competitions?

Answer: Applications for scholarships and fellowships may compete with those from a pool of eligible individuals. However, the level of competition varies based on various factors, including the program's credibility, funding availability, and applicant quantity.


Question: Do the financing sources for fellowships and scholarships vary?

Answer: Scholarships can be funded by educational institutions, organisations, government entities, or private donors, while research institutions, foundations, or professional associations often provide fellowships.


Question: Can fellowships and scholarships support different levels of education?

Answer: Fellowships usually fund postgraduate research, advanced study, or professional development; scholarships are available for undergraduate, graduate, or doctorate courses.


Question: Do fellowships and scholarships have different eligibility requirements?

Answer: Of course, while fellowships may concentrate on research projects, professional accomplishments, or particular career ambitions, scholarships frequently consider factors like academic excellence, extracurricular activities, or financial necessity.


Question: What is a Scholarship and Fellowship Management Portal (SFMP)?

Answer: The UGC manages the Scholarship and Fellowship Management Portal (SFMP), which is a management site used to distribute scholarship and fellowship funds.


Question: Do scholarships cover 100 % of education costs?

Answer: Yes, several scholarships provide full coverage for the expense of study. Nonetheless, there are eligibility requirements based on students' grades or rankings. The educational institutions determine the percentage of scholarship grants based on rank. The highest rankings and merits qualify for a full 100% scholarship award.


Question: Scholarship vs. Fellowship: Which is better?

Answer: A fellowship is regarded as free education, while a scholarship is a form of financial help intended to support a person's educational goals. While they are not exactly the same, they are comparable.


Question: Do fellowships help me with financial support?

Answer: Individuals with postgraduate or graduate degrees are funded by fellowships. The selection of fellows is predicated on their enduring and beneficial contributions to academia and society. Given the high cost of training degrees, fellowships are particularly helpful.


Question: Can I apply for more than one fellowship?

Answer: Yes, you can apply for multiple fellowships together. The quantity of fellowship applications is not restricted. Numerous fellowship programs provide nearly identical chances and advantages. 

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