Meridean Overseas
Updated On 27 March 2024 & Read Time 11 minutes
In a world where digital navigation dominates our travel preparations, the skill of map reading is still needed, even though it may be used with modern GPS technology or with paper maps. This article discusses people who found themselves worsted to use maps for survival purposes in places they had never been before.
The IELTS speaking test is structured into three parts: in the first place, a presentation and an in-conversational interview, a long turn where you talk regarding a specific topic, and a two-directed discussion about the topic in part two. In this type of assessment, the assessors are exploring your level of fluency, coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and the quality of your pronunciation.
The speaking part of the test involves the application of cue cards, which are used as guidance through the second part of the test, and candidates have about 1 to 2 minutes to speak about a specific topic. Subjects can also be very diverse, from direct events in one's life to lofty concepts. "Describe a time when you used a map" is an example of a cue card topic that determines whether you can recall a story from the past, tell it, and reflect on the meaning of the event in your life. Hence, in this blog, we will present different sample answers to this cue card topic to aid you in IELTS speaking part preparation.
Table of Contents
Setting the Scene: Detail the situation or purpose for which you had to use a map. Was it on vacation, during a walk, or in a new city you were visiting, perhaps?
The Map: Describe the map you used—did you have a digital map on a smartphone, a paper map, or maybe a specialised one such as a topographic or marine chart?
The Journey: What journey or task did the map need to be used for? Identify and mention your specific difficulties, such as some routes being hard to follow if using a mobile digital map, poor signal reception, or understanding the correct map symbol interpretation.
Outcome: Elaborate on how the map helped you in your case. Did you find your way to the destination, find something new, or get lost more?
Reflection: Ponder the experience. What lessons did you learn from using the map? Does it affect your attitude towards using maps in the future?
Also, Read: IELTS Cue Card: Describe a Person who Impressed you in Primary School
In the modern world of technology, getting lost is quite impossible. In the older times, before electronic maps, people would get lost. Today, education, jobs, and recreation have made people travel, and they use technology for everything.
When Was It?
I went to Mumbai for my cousin’s wedding and had to use Google Maps to move from one place to another. Since I was unfamiliar with the Mumbai locations and the roads, it was quite hard for me to move.
Where You Were?
This was the only time that my relatives visited Mumbai because of my cousin's wedding, who wanted to have a destination wedding in Mumbai. The city is a city of dreams where no one has time for anyone, so during that time; my cousin wanted to spend time with me and explore the whole city.
What Did You Do?
Google Maps facilitated our search for the places we wanted to visit, so we managed to move around the city quite easily. The roads we intended to use to move from one point to another in Mumbai were like a roller coaster ride, as we had never seen that area of Mumbai. The driver had no idea what I was talking about, so I directed him to use Google Maps, as if I were a native of the area, to keep him from having to drive through a local area of Mumbai.
And Describe What You Thought.
The use of Google Maps in Mumbai is just unbelievable. The place was well-informed of the traffic situation of the distance route and many others. With technology, everybody can easily reach any part of the world.
Also, Read: IELTS Cue Card: Describe a Difficult Thing you did
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Let me tell you about an experience I had recently in which I was forced to rely on a map to find my way through the cities of India. I am a citizen of India, but my destination was Jaipur, which is famous for its history and remarkable architecture.
When Was It?
I chose a solo adventurе trip to Jaipur, which is a city with a long history. I desirеd to visit all thе sitеs. I madе rеsеrvations for thе hotеl on my cеll phonе, so thеrе will not bе much sеarching for hotеls for my stay. But, whеn I got to thе Jaipur Railway Station, I wаs littlе bit confusеd аbou t thе direсtions to the hotel. Therefore, I decided to take the map to show me the way to my hotel.
Where You Were?
I was in the city of Jaipur, and I wished to explore the whole city by myself. Once I reached Jaipur, I wasn’t able to locate my hotel.
What Did You Do?
I used a map to find detours and get real-time traffic information when I failed to find my accommodation. This enabled me to arrive at my destination without any trouble. The map was so precise and dependable that it spared me a great deal of time and labour.
And Tell What You Thought About It.
I was glad that the map helped me a great deal to avoid getting lost in the city. If there had been no maps, I would have found myself completely lost in the city and unable to move freely and reach my hotel. Maps are always dependable in providing the right location and the way to your destination.
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The role that maps play is significant in all lives as they are very comfortable to use. The map is very easy to use to find the location, but I am going to tell you about one of the trips I took while I was in school in Shimla.
When was it?
I utilised a map of a lovely summer resort that is the most visited place for tourists during the summer holidays. I had never used a map before. My computer teacher trained me and my brothers in how to use a map. Shimla is a big city, and the school authority didn’t want any of us to get lost or involved in any form of mishap. Therefore, we were given training on how to use a map and how a map works.
Where You Were?
My friends and I wanted to visit the wooden market in Shimla, which is renowned for its antique wooden items. We started looking for the market on a map, but we were unable to find it. It took me some time to get the hang of maps, wherein I needed to place our spot so that it would be far from our lodging.
What did you do?
I presented the map indicating the direction from our hotel to the wooden market. In the beginning, we heeded all the terms of Google Maps and followed what it told us. Finally, we got to the amazing wood market and had fun during our trip to the wood market.
And tell me what you think of it.
I was overwhelmed since the Electronic map was directed toward the market, an easy and convenient way to reach the place. The voice assistant in the app enabled me to navigate through the places faster, leaving me a lot of time. Thanks to Google Maps, the trip to Shimla was unforgettable for me.
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Boost your IELTS score with effective practice using these sample papers.
Get Your Free Guide1. What do you think is more convenient than using a paper map or a map of your phone?
Phone maps are far more reliable, but using them when out of the country presents its own set of location- and destination-based issues. A map could consider the cell's coverage, and you have to download a digital map before using it.
2. What is the advantage of using a map?
They portray the world in an uncomplicated graphic manner. They educate about the world by presenting sizes and shapes of the country locations and features you can easily navigate or destination using the maps.
3. How do you label a place on a map?
You need the address of the place you desire to go and the location of where you are at the moment. If you type in both addresses, it will suggest possible ways you can travel.
4. Are map reading skills critical?
Yes, you should be gifted with travelling today, whatever the reason. This will prevent you from wasting time and make travel enjoyable.
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Practice Fluency and Coherence: Try to talk at a normal speed and keep pauses as short as possible. Connect your thoughts logically to make the speech coherent and understandable.
Expand Your Vocabulary: Vary your vocabulary to articulate your thoughts more accurately. Avoid repetition by understanding synonyms and idiomatic expressions about popular IELTS themes.
Work on Pronunciation: Clear pronunciation may have a huge effect on your marks. Practise the English sounds, stress, and intonation patterns to make them more understandable when speaking.
Listen to the Questions Carefully: Comprehend the examiner's questions. If necessary, do not hesitate to ask for clarification, as this is better than answering off-topic.
Engage with the Topic: Be alive and passionate about the topic you are discussing. Personalise your answers wherever possible, as this helps make your speech more informal and human-like.
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With the help of maps, using the map, we pass from one landscape and experience to another, showing the inescapable power of navigation to inform the course of our journey and our lives. These stories show the continuing importance of maps, which are not just tools for direction but also aids that accompany our exploration of the world. If it’s an IELTS speaking exam that you are getting ready for or your next journey, then these narratives should help you journey confidently and find joy every time you move.
We hope the information shared in the blog enhanced your understanding of speaking cue card topics and respective responses. Moreover, students who wish to study abroad or prepare for IELTS may contact our expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). You can also take free online counselling through our website. Our expert counsellors will provide you with the best support and guidance you need for IELTS preparation. For more information or any queries, contact or 1800-1230-00011.
1. What focus does the accent have in the IELTS Speaking test?
The test is about your communication skills, not your accent. More important are intelligibility, comprehensibility, and pronunciation, but not being native-like.
2. Is it alright if I take a moment to ponder before I answer a question?
Of course, pausing for a second and thinking before replying is okay. You may use fillers such as “Let me think” rarely, but still, it simplifies the first sentence.
3. If I cannot understand a question, what course of action should I take?
It is advisable to ask the examiner to repeat the question or clarify rather than answer the wrong thing. You may ask, “Could you say that again?” or “Could you explain what you mean by...?”
4. Is it all right to rectify myself if I err?
Yes, it’s okay to correct small mistakes while you speak. It demonstrates self-reflection and good language competence. However, do not exaggerate the effect on the passage's fluency.
5. What measures can I take to not feel nervous during the examination?
Speak English as often as you can before the test to gain power. Please keep in mind that the examiner is present to evaluate your English language proficiency, not to scare you. Deep breathing and concentration on the questions will also help reduce nervousness.
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