Describe a Place Where There Was a Lot of Noise - IELTS Cue Card


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 02 May 2024 & Read Time 7 minutes


One of the four elements of the IELTS exam is the Speaking test. The examiner evaluates the student’s speaking abilities in this module and assigns them a score based on how well they perform. They examine the student’s speech's accuracy, fluency, grammatical range and pronunciation.


Students appearing for the IELTS Speaking test are presented with cue cards and they have two minutes to speak on the subject. The students also have one minute to get ready for the subject. Once you complete your response to the cue card topic, which is the third part of the speaking test, the examiner will also ask you some follow-up questions related to the same topic.


A common question in the IELTS exam is, "Describe a place where there was a lot of noise" In this blog, let's examine some sample responses to this cue card.

Describe a place where there was a lot of noise cue card- sample answer 1


People living in cities or urban areas are prone to noise these days due to all the traffic, cars and hustle. It is common knowledge that people go to popular but noisy places to celebrate their special occasions. A similar incident happened to me as well where I was in a place with a lot of noise.


Describe a place where there was a lot of noise


When did this happen?

This incident happened at one of my friend’s birthday parties. His family members and friends decided to throw a surprise party. It was a well-planned surprise with loudspeakers, a music system, food, a birthday cake and more.


Where was it?

The birthday party was arranged in an open farmhouse near his house. The place was beautiful, with lots of greenery around. In addition, the property itself was pretty as well.


Why was there a lot of noise?

As I mentioned earlier as well, there was a lot of noise because it was a birthday party and everyone wanted my friend to have a good time as he is a music fanatic and enjoys music at every celebration. 


What did you do when you heard the noise?

When my friend entered the party, the music started on the loudspeakers, at that time, I was also enjoying the loud music. There were no issues with the loud music as the property where we were celebrating his birthday was a bit secluded and did not disturb anyone. 


Also, read: Describe an Advertisement That You Don’t Like - IELTS Cue Card



My friend and I, being responsible citizens, did not want to disturb anyone’s peace and took all the safety measures beforehand. Therefore, the experience was a good one overall and no one in the close vicinity was disturbed by it either. 


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Describe a place where there was a lot of noise cue card- sample answer 2


Noise has become a part of people’s lives in cities or towns. Nowadays, city life has become a saying because of how busy and noisy it has become. In this context, I have an experience of a place with a lot of noise.


When did this happen?

This was an incident when I was in 10th standard. My house is near a garden where a lot of parties and events keep on happening. It was during my board exams. That was also the time of marriages and likely the garden was being used for that, but we have recently been aware of the noise policy, which restricted the use of loudspeakers between 10 pm and 6 am.


Where was it?

This incident happened in Delhi during the months of April and May. These are the months of marriages again, and Delhi is a popular place where many weddings occur. 


Why was there a lot of noise?

There was a pre-wedding function in this garden. Everyone knows that prior permission is necessary to use loudspeakers after 10 p.m., which this particular family did not obtain.


What did you do when you heard the noise?

As a student having an exam, it was getting difficult for me to study for the exam the next day. I went to the wedding and politely asked to reduce the volume so that I could study and their wedding festivities would not get spoiled as well. But they talked rudely to me, so I asked the authorities whether they had permission or not. It turned out they did not have any. 

Then, I informed the authorities about the situation and they handled the whole situation. The loudspeakers were shut completely.


Also, read: Describe a popular/famous person in your country - IELTS Cue Card



To conclude, one does not get much bothered by noise when it does not hamper one's daily activities or cause harm in any way. In this particular situation, it was causing issues for me and I could not have put my exam at stake for someone’s enjoyment.

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IELTS Speaking Part 3- Follow-up questions

Question: What issues might arise if a large group goes out together?

Answer: The hardest things to do when we go out in a group are to coordinate and communicate with others since there are too many people there, which makes it hard to manage, and everyone is busy with their own jobs and festivities. Because of this, when there is a large group, it may be difficult to get along, celebrate and spend time together.


Question- Why do people enjoy going to noisy venues like restaurants and bars when they are aware of how noisy they are?

Answer- In certain cases, people don't mind the loudness because they want to celebrate and rejuvenate. Individuals want to be among a group that is enjoying life, eating food and dancing when they are feeling worried or upset since these sorts of images truly uplift individuals during trying or depressing times.


Question- Where does the noise come from in cities?

Answer- Urban areas are noisy due to a variety of factors, including industrial zones, congested traffic, celebrations of various festivals and holidays and revelries. When a large number of people get together, noise is produced.


Question: Do you believe that cities will become noisier in the future?

Answer: No, in fact I think that the city will become quieter and more serene in the future due to industry control and the usage of electric cars. Since people are already aware of noise pollution and don't feel well in today’s environment, I don't think that cities will get any noisier in the future.


Question: Do you believe that people's lives today are more noisy than they were in the past?

Answer: Technology and the faster pace of life have undoubtedly contributed to the increased noise level in the modern world, while in the past, people would have utilised more traditional ways to express their delight in a more restrained way.

Also, read: Describe an adventure you would like to go on - IELTS cue card


“Describe a place where there was a lot of noise” is yet another commonly asked IELTS topic. We hope that with the help of these sample answers, you will be able to curate a good answer for yourself. These samples are curated to help you understand how to answer better with a mix of creativity and simplicity.


We hope you learned how to answer the “Describe a place where there was a lot of noise” type of questions in your IELTS speaking test. If you want to get further details or would like to prepare for IELTS, you may contact our expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). You can also take free online counselling through our website. Our expert counsellors will provide you with the best support and guidance you need for admission and visa. In addition, they will help you shortlist the universities according to your profile. For more information or any queries, contact or 1800-1230-00011.

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