Describe a Person You Would Like to Study or Work with - IELTS Cue Card


Meridean Overseas

29 April 2024


The speaking portion is one of the most important sections of the IELTS exam. There are many different activities in this section such as the Introduction or the Interview round, the cue card round and the follow-up questions. The second task in the IELTS speaking test is the cue card. Based on the given IELTS cue card topic, you have to talk and interact clearly in this section. You have one minute to be ready before speaking as well.


The question "Describe a person you would like to study or work with" is among the most often asked in cue cards. Many students find it difficult to respond to this kind of inquiry despite it being relatively easy. As a result, we have provided sample responses in this guide to assist you in handling these kinds of inquiries. So, let's get started with the blog!

Describe a person you would like to study or work with cue card - sample answer 1


I find it difficult to study around others, so I usually study by myself. But sometimes I don't feel like studying, so it's helpful if someone can inspire me. Also, I find studying political science by myself to be really uninteresting. So, I do like studying alongside someone else in these situations.




Who is that person?

Samarth was a classmate of mine in the eleventh grade and many of my acquaintances said that he could be an excellent study companion. Thus, I would like to study with him if I ever get the chance.


Why would you like to study with him/her?

He has a slightly different approach to studying social science. First, he always understands things extremely fast due to his excellent grasping power. He also has a great deal of patience. He can sit and explain topics for hours. Also, he is really good with mnemonics, which I feel can be helpful for me. One of my main learning issues has been my inability to memorise facts and figures.


He used to make very good, clear study maps and notes that were easy to understand and memorise. I think everyone in my class used to ask him for his notes because they were so helpful. One of his best qualities is his eagerness to impart his expertise and help others. He believes that sharing knowledge is the greatest method of gaining more knowledge, which excites me and encourages me to study with him in the future.


What will you study?

He is pursuing a master's degree in political science in the United Kingdom. He attends the same university that I would like to attend and I would like to meet him there to study political science.



Overall, I am looking forward to connecting and studying with him.


Also, read: Describe an important decision you made- IELTS cue card

Describe a person you would like to study or work with cue card - sample answer 2


I count it a great blessing to have so many wonderful people in my life, personal and professional, such as friends, relatives, acquaintances, and coworkers. Even if I would like to collaborate professionally with every one of them, I should particularly mention one person's name here.


Who is that person?

She's none other than my own elder sister. Despite her age of 27, I freely characterise her as an "evergreen" individual who never becomes weary of working, as I have known her since my childhood. I’ve seen my sister working hard no matter what kind of work it is; she never leaves things in between after starting the task. Also, she is a very focused person. I haven't often seen my sister go late for work or leave work in her 3 years as a Senior Digital Marketer. She, in fact, does some extra shifts to complete her work or do things from home as well.


Why would you like to study or work with him/her?

I would like to work with her because of her exceptional time management, responsibility and caring abilities. She also has an unwavering smile, a positive outlook on life, a high degree of confidence, honesty/truthfulness, tact and the capacity to remain composed under pressure, which makes it interesting for me to work with her.


What will you study?

I am currently pursuing  MBA in Digital Marketing, which is her field of expertise. I would like to study various domains of digital marketing with her. I am sure her perseverance and faith in me will help me do well in my digital marketing MBA.



Overall, I am very grateful of her for being by my side and I can’t wait to study under her guidance.


Also, read: Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future - IELTS Cue Card

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IELTS speaking part 3 - Follow up questions

Question: Should children be allowed to choose whom they want to sit with, or should the teacher decide? 

Answer: I believe that kids should follow the teacher's suggested seating arrangement since it will help them meet new people, get to know them and most importantly, feel comfortable around strangers as well as their friends. As a result, students can interact with one another more.  


Question: What kind of people do you like to study or work with?

Answer: I like to study with calm individuals who can sit quietly and make things easier for me. They can help you with any academic challenges you may face, motivate you, answer your questions and make studying or working easier for you.


Question: Should children be involved in management activities of the school?

Answer: Indeed, it is important for them to participate in management activities while they are in school to enhance their leadership skills later on. 


Question: Do you think managers can be friends with their subordinates?

Answer: In my opinion, bosses and their subordinates can be friends, but mutual respect and clear boundaries are necessary. When a manager is friendly with his staff, they feel comfortable approaching him with any issues or worries they may have and won't be afraid to voice any concerns.


Question: How should freshers behave in office to get along well with others?

Answer: Freshers should be calm, kind and helpful in order to get along with their coworkers and learn skills from them. 


Question: Which one is more important for you at work, development in work related skills or the recognition from your supervisor?

Answer: To be very honest, I haven't worked yet. However, I think that developing my job abilities is crucial to earning the respect of my supervisor because these skills are always valuable and help you climb the professional success ladder. 


Question: Is it important for children in school to get along well with others?

Answer: Yes, it is crucial for kids to get along with other people. Children who can get along with their schoolmates will grow up to be able to get along with people in general.


Also, read: Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted - IELTS Cue Card


In conclusion, the IELTS speaking cue card task "Describe a person you would like to study or work with" offers an opportunity for candidates to showcase their ability to narrate personal experiences while effectively using language skills. By providing a comprehensive overview of the story of the person whom you would like to work with, you can easily demonstrate your ability to describe past events, utilise vocabulary appropriately and maintain coherence and fluency in your speech. You can enhance your storytelling abilities and confidently tackle this cue card task in the IELTS Speaking test with practice.


We hope now you have an idea of how to answer the “Describe a person you would like to study or work with” type of cue card questions in your IELTS speaking test. Still, if you want to get further details or would like to prepare for IELTS, you may contact our expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). You can also take free online counselling through our website. Our expert counsellors will provide you with the best support and guidance you need for admission and visa. In addition, they will help you shortlist the universities according to your profile. For more information or any queries, contact or 1800-1230-00011.

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