Cheap Study Destinations Abroad - Budget-Friendly Place to Study Europe


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 02 November 2022 & Read Time 6 minutes



With rising demand for study abroad destinations, it is possible to study in the country of your choice on a budget! There are many choices to fulfil your study abroad dream by researching the cheapest countries to study abroad. Students with plans to study in Europe can apply to many different options of affordable countries to study abroad.

Study in Europe

Europe is the land of ideas, education, science and research. The country is seeing increased momentum.

Many international students choose it as their study-abroad destination. There are many budget-friendly destinations to complete your plans to study in Europe.

Countries like Italy, Portugal and Poland are becoming hot destinations for international students to study in Europe. Italy, Portugal and Poland have seen around 45%, 29% and 28% growth in international students over the previous 12 months, making them some of the cheapest countries to study abroad. Let us look at the most affordable countries to study in Europe.

Study in Italy

Fulfilling the dream to study abroad in Italy can be achieved affordably. Italy has seen a 45% increase in international students in the last 12 months. It has been gaining momentum as a budget-friendly destination for international students. The country's living and studying costs are relatively low, especially in universities in smaller cities.

So, which is the best affordable university for international students planning to study in Italy? There are many popular choices like Bologna University, Sapienza University and Milan University.

Italy tops the list with many reasonable options for affordable universities for international students, offering student aid, accommodation, scholarships and waiving tuition fees, among other measures. Along with this, the high quality of education means a rising number of students planning to study in Italy. Students can avail of many options for a loan to study abroad in Italy. A student can apply to two intakes in Italy: September (winter) and May (summer).

 All these factors combined make Italy one of the cheapest countries to study abroad.

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Study in Malta

If you're planning to study abroad in a country free of bustling crowds, you must plan to study in Malta. Malta has its spot on the list of affordable countries to study abroad. It is a peaceful country situated close to Italy in the Mediterranean sea. It is known for its temples and fortresses. Malta has everything about high-quality education with excellent living standards and world-class education. Malta saw a 42% rise in demand for international students over the last 12 months.

It is one of the cheapest countries to study in, with just a 2,000 EUR (1,64,800 INR approx) tuition fee for international students in most of the courses and is one of the best study destination in Europe. Education is free of cost for EU students in Malta. By now, you must be curious about the most affordable university for international students in Malta. Some top choices are Malta University, the American University of Malta and the Malta Institute of Tourism Studies. Students planning to study in Europe can check out other affordable options. A loan to study abroad in Malta can also be available if the applicant needs it. There are two intakes in Malta that a student can apply for, September (Winter) intake and May (summer) summer intake. All these factors provers Malta to be one of the cheapest countries to study abroad.

Study in Germany

If you are looking for a place to study in Europe with zero tuition fees for all undergraduate and many Postgraduate degrees, then you must study in Germany. Known as the 'land of idea', Germany is the favourite study in Europe destination for many international students. There are no tuition fees charged at undergraduate and PhD levels at most of the public universities in Germany. Students who didn't complete their bachelor's degree in Germany might have to pay around 10,000 EUR per semester to study in Germany for a master's degree. There are various scholarships available to students which can help pay the fee. If the student needs it can take out a loan to study abroad. Living expenses don't cost much, even in many high-class cities in Germany, making it an easy choice amongst the most affordable countries to study abroad.

This brings us to the question of which is the most affordable university for international students in Germany. Well, there are many. The top choices include the University of Berlin, the University of Cologne and the technical university of Munich. Germany is one of the cheapest countries to study abroad, providing many job opportunities in the art and technology sectors. There are two intakes, namely, September intake and may intake, that a student can apply to. Study abroad in Germany and fulfil all your study in Europe dreams.

Study in Latvia

Latvia is a small country with fewer than 2 million population. It stands as one of the cheapest countries to study abroad. Latvia is an excellent choice if you're planning to study in Europe. It can cost up to 4,000EUR-5,000 EUR to study in Latvia. You can get a loan to study abroad in Latvia if required. Transport and Telecommunication Institute in Latvia is the most affordable university for international students with a highly accredited curriculum.

According to student reviews on Studyportals, the best resource for learning how students rate their study and living experiences at universities from around the world, the University of Latvia is ranked 601 in the world according to Times Higher Education's rankings of universities, and it has an overall rating of 4.2 stars. There are two intakes in Latvia that a student can prepare for: summer and winter intake. You can fulfil your study in Europe dream by quickly getting admission to universities to study in Latvia.

Study in Poland

Living expenses are inexpensive in Polish cities, with a room in Krakow starting at around 150 euros. Eastern Europe can be a fantastic option if you genuinely want to receive a high-quality education while studying on a low budget. Applicants who can speak Polish are eligible for free education in Poland. It can cost between EUR 4,000 and EUR 5,000 per year if you enrol in English-taught programmes.

Poland has very cheap living expenses compared to other European nations. EUR 7,800  annually are not required to manage costs in Poland. Warsaw, the nation's capital, was rated as the second-most student-friendly city in 2016. Many banks offer a loan to study in Poland, and you can avail of it if needed financial support.

Vistula University in the capital Warsaw is a top affordable university for international students planning to study in Poland. A student can apply to two intakes in Poland, the February and October intake.

If you wish to fulfil your study in Europe, contact our expert counsellors at any branch of the Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). Our expert education counsellors will provide you with the best support and guidance for admission to affordable countries to study abroad in European Universities. For more information or any queries, you mail us at or call us at 1800-1230-00011.

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